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We're back....

David T

We are very pleased let you know that you are able to get back on the squash courts from Saturday 25th July.

As you might imagine, there are quite a few limitations on what we can do in order to minimise the risk from Covid-19. We plan to re-open in three phases. Phase 1 starts on Saturday. Phases 2 and 3 will see some lifting of the initial limitations, but we don't have a timescale om those at the moment.


We would like to invite Beverley Squash Club Members to get back on court, providing the changes within the club and rules outlined below are adhered to. Players are reminded that they are playing at their own risk and should not attempt to get back on court if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or if anyone in their household has exhibited such symptoms.

[Please note the conditions are subject to change - an up to date list will be displayed on the noticeboard in the entrance to the club.]


1. Solo practice is permitted.

2. Play between people living within the same household/bubble is permitted.

3. Conditioned games or routines (e.g. sides) are permitted, in compliance with social distancing rules. Suggested routines have been displayed elsewhere.

4. No competitive match play to take place, except where condition 2 applies.

5. 40-minute court bookings only - back-to-back courts cannot be booked.

6. Players to come ready to play.

7. Players to bring their own drinks. Please ensure the containers are secure, non breakable, court safe containers (no glass for example).

8. The balcony viewing area is closed to players.

9. All litter should be taken away by the players.

10. The court should be sanitised appropriately when play has finished. E.g. floors mopped, walls wiped if there has been contact.


1. Coach led training sessions can take place providing social distancing guidelines are maintained throughout.

2. Up-to 5 players from different households can attend training sessions over 2 courts, only 2 players can be on the court at once.

3. Coaches may have access to the balcony only.

4. Any surfaces on the balcony area touched by the coach should be sanitised and disinfected once the coaching sessions have been completed.

5. For junior coaching, one parent is permitted to sit on the sofa in the balcony area but must sanitise any surfaces that have been touched.

6. Members from the same household do not need to social distance on court.


* Changing rooms, balcony/viewing area and drinking facilities are to remain closed, except for the coach while coaching, and/or 1 parent when their child is being coached.

* Back-to-back courts cannot be booked.

* Players should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before their court booking.

* Players should leave the club within 15 minutes after their court booking has finished.

* No waiting in the club is permitted outside of the 15-minute court booking windows as previously stated.

* Players should also arrive in their playing attire and sign the player track and trace logbook upon arrival.

* A sanitiser station has been set up to which players must sanitise their hands before and after play.

* Players should also sanitise the court door handle before and after use.

* If a player is to use the toilet facilities, all surfaces that have been in contact should be sanitised with the appropriate cleaning products provided by the club.

* It is advised that players should bring their own towel, drink and supplies to treat minor injuries.


* No handshaking.

* Players to bring their own drinks.

* Use a towel/bandanna to wipe away sweat.

* Do not wipe hands on the walls.

* No balls or rackets are to be borrowed/purchased from the club.

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